Upper Land Park Murder

MURDER INC EXCLUSIVE: Did the Golden State Killer Murder a Family of Three in  Land Park in 1991?

January 14 1991 Michael Jacobs, Marcy Jacobs & Jennifer Jacobs Murder
On January 14 1991 Michael Jacobs, Marcy Jacobs and their 9 year old daughter Jennifer Jacobs were shot to death in their home on Robertson Way in the Upper Land Park section of Sacramento.  30 years earlier on May 12 1961 four houses were ransacked nearby, two of which were next door to the site of the Jacobs home. Ten days after the ransackings on Robertson Way a 4 year old girl was rescued by her father from a hooded prowler who snatched the child out of her bed. The Golden State Killer always returned to the same streets he had prowled sometimes decades prior. Did he return to Robertson Way in 1991 to murder the Jacobs family?

Michael Jacobs
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Marcy Jacobs
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Jennifer Jacobs
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land park map 1.JPGRobertson Way, Land Park SacramentoDetectives on the scene of the Jacobs Family Murder
Robertson Way in 2019
May 12 1961 Land Park Ransacker
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May 21 1961 Sacramento Kidnapper

August 8 1961 Sacramento Rapist/Land Park Picture Thief
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Cyril says a member of the East Area Rapist task force had asked if the suspect had broken into their home previously and if they noticed any photographs missing. A picture of Phyllis was missing.

“He said, ‘That’s the part of the MO that we never released to the public,'” Cyril Kalbach said. “He always took a photograph of his intended victim.”

Ricky McCarty Missing Sacramento
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At the scene of the triple homicide at the Jacob’s home on Robertson Way was a safe that had been emptied by the killer. Michael Jacobs was keeping the safe for a friend named Ricky McCarty. Police theorized that the safe was the motive for the crime. After serving 120 days on a meth possession charge McCarty went missing in 1991 sometime after the murders. Like Joe DeAngelo, McCarty was an avid biker. His apartment on Folsom Blvd is 1,000 feet from a residence allegedly inhabited by a James Joseph DeAngelo. Is this James Joseph DeAngelo, Joe DeAngelo Sr’s brother Dominic’s son? Was James living on O st in 1991? Did Joe DeAngelo know or know of Ricky McCarty prior to his disappearance?
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SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A heartbreaking and unsolved triple homicide that left a Sacramento family and a 9-year-old girl dead is getting new attention tonight.

The California Attorney General and Sacramento Police are teaming up to offer a reward for information that leads to an arrest in the case.

The violent attack left Michael and Marcy Jacobs and their daughter Jennifer dead, shot and stabbed. Investigators described the crime scene inside the Land Park neighborhood home as one that looked like a bloody struggle.

Jennifer’s body found in a back bedroom. She was clutching a doll.

Janet Kurnick is a neighbor who lived across the street from the Jacobs.
She remembers 9-year-old Jennifer as a fun little girl.

“Little Jennifer, sweet little kid used to come across the street and play with my dog,” Kurnick said. “And she never got her chance to live her life.”

“We believe the killers are still out there,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said.

The California Department of Justice is now offering a $50,000 reward for information in the cold case. Marcy Jacobs was an employee for the agency.

“Like all of us she worked very hard to build a life for herself and her family,” Becerra said.

Becerra cited the recent cold case arrest of the suspected East Area Rapist as a revelation that new methods of solving cases could help lead them to the Jacobs killer.

“Yes, there was DNA found at the scene and we are looking at that and looking at exploring new options,” Sacramento Police Det. Pat Higgins said.

Michael Jacobs’ sister calls the DNA evidence of a possible killer a welcome surprise.

“That they have DNA makes me more hopeful that they’ll be able to find the person or people who did this,” Marie Murata said.

That science and a push for new clues from the public is now giving this case new life.

Neighbor Kurnick said she recalls an unusual visitor on the block days before the murders.

“A guy in a black truck with a silver tool chest on the back,” Kurnick said.

Kurnick says she has shared with investigators —she watched the driver burning rubber down the street, and Michael Jacobs getting inside to go for a ride.

Police are looking at that lead, and they are now hoping for many more.

Investigators say whoever killed the family also stole valuables from a safe inside the house.

They say over the years they have identified persons of interest in the case, but no suspects.



Attorney General Becerra and Sacramento Police Chief Hahn Announce $50,000 Reward for Information Leading to Arrest for 1991 Murder of Former California Department of Justice Employee and Family
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A family murdered in their home by a burglar cold enough to shoot a 9 year old girl to death in her bed. A biker whose safe was burglarized during the murder disappears soon after. A murder extremely close to two houses hit by a ransacker in 1961 and two blocks south of where a burglar stole a portrait of a woman out of the frame. Were Michael Jacobs, Marcy Jacobs, Jennifer Jacobs and Richard McCarty all murdered by the Golden State Killer? Police claim to have DNA found at the scene. Hopefully it’s not from planted beer cans or cigarette butts. Police say “there is definitely people that we know are involved it’s just trying to get the pieces together”. We all know how that usually turns out. When three people and a little girl are killed during a cat burglary next to two houses very likely ransacked by a teenage EAR and a fourth man connected to the murder also disappears mysteriously it sure makes you wonder…




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